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How to enable accessibility features?

This information applies to all websites and online stores created with Mozello.

Built-in accessibility features

Websites and online stores built with Mozello come with many accessibility technologies by default. These features include:

  • Zoom functionality using browser features
  • Keyboard navigation for most of the website and actions
  • Compatibility with assistive technologies such as screen readers
  • Skip to main content feature activated by the first press of the Tab key
  • Compatibility with forced color modes whenever browser (e.g. Firefox) or platform (e.g. Windows) support it

Additional features via Accessibility widget

Under Extras, you can find and install the Accessibility widget which provides additional accessibility features:

  • An accessibility icon that opens the accessibility control panel
  • Zoom functionality without using browser controls
  • High contrast modes independent of browser settings

Requirements for website creators

Despite the built-in technologies, there are essential steps that website authors must take:

  • Ensure every gallery image has a short textual title
  • Ensure every inserted image has alternative text (alt text)
  • Choose a high-contrast color scheme or install the Accessibility widget
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